Building Systems with Roto-Translations
For building systems programatically, PyBigDFT offers some helper routines based on the concept of rototranslations. Using these features, we can easily align molecules in space.
Rotations and Translations
Let’s begin by showing the basics of rotating and translating molecules.
from BigDFT.IO import XYZReader
from BigDFT.Systems import System
from BigDFT.Fragments import Fragment
sys = System()
sys["WAT:0"] = Fragment()
with XYZReader("H2O") as ifile:
for at in ifile:
sys["WAT:0"] += Fragment([at])
Translation. Note that the units are atomic units.
from copy import deepcopy
sys["WAT:1"] = deepcopy(sys["WAT:0"])
sys["WAT:1"].translate([-10, 0, 0])
from BigDFT.Visualization import InlineVisualizer
viz = InlineVisualizer(400,300)
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jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol
Rotation. We can pick our units of degrees or angstroems.
sys["WAT:1"].rotate(x=90, units="degrees")
viz = InlineVisualizer(400,300)
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jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol
Fragment Interpolation
We can interpolate between two fragments if we wish to examine some intermediary states.
from BigDFT.Fragments import interpolate_fragments
steps = interpolate_fragments(sys["WAT:0"], sys["WAT:1"], steps=3)
sys2 = System()
for i, s in enumerate(steps):
sys2["WAT:"+str(i)] = s
viz = InlineVisualizer(400,300)
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jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol
Lining Up Fragments
Sometimes we have two fragments which are made of the same atoms, but one geometry is perturbed from another. We might wish to try lining up those fragments so we can figure out how big that pertubation is.
from BigDFT.Fragments import RotoTranslation
rtsys = System()
rtsys["WAT:0"] = deepcopy(sys["WAT:0"])
rtsys["WAT:1"] = deepcopy(sys["WAT:0"])
rtsys["WAT:1"].translate([-5.0, 0, 0])
pos = rtsys["WAT:0"][0].get_position()
pos[1] -= 0.75
viz = InlineVisualizer(400,300)
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jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol
Using the lineup freature, we can find the best matching between these two systems.
from BigDFT.Fragments import lineup_fragment
rtsys["WAT:0"] = lineup_fragment(rtsys["WAT:0"])
rtsys["WAT:1"] = lineup_fragment(rtsys["WAT:1"])
viz = InlineVisualizer(400,300)
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jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol
Now compute the RMSD.
from numpy import array
from numpy.linalg import norm
rmsd = 0
for at1, at2 in zip(rtsys["WAT:0"], rtsys["WAT:1"]):
rmsd += norm(array(at1.get_position("angstroem")) - array(at2.get_position("angstroem")))